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Guide to Selecting the Right Balanced Scorecard Software
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Guide to Selecting the Right Balanced Scorecard Software

Become more effective at turning your strategy into results with the right software. 

Spreadsheets and manual processes can only take you so far. At some point, most organizations running scorecards in their business begin looking for ways to improve and maximize their results.  With the right scorecard software, you can improve overall communication, review performance data in real-time, and save you a lot of time, energy and money.

Guide to Selecting Right BSC software thumbnail

Linking Strategy to Planning and Budgeting

By Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton

How can traditional budgeting practices be made more responsive to a company’s rapidly changing needs? Don’t just focus on the operational budget — pay attention to the strategy budget as well, because that’s

what finances the initiatives that facilitate company growth. And don’t fall into the trap of thinking that initiatives are ends in themselves. Rather, initiatives are the means by which a company accomplishes its strategic objectives.

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Bridge the gap between strategy and execution with ESM's all-in-one business strategy and performance management software


ESM Fast Track®

Whether you struggle with accountability, unclear priorities, or a lack of alignment, ESM can help.

Through a series of structured workshops and focused assignment, we engage your leadership team to develop a comprehensive approach to monitoring and adapting strategy. In just six to eight weeks, you will develop a Strategy Map, objective statements, key performance indicators, initiatives, and first report documents.

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