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Healthcare Strategy Map Examples
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Healthcare Strategy Map Examples

Jumpstart your Balanced Scorecards

ESM Software Group's free healthcare strategy map template provides you with a best-practice PowerPoint file to help you translate your vision into tangible strategic objectives. ESM's strategy map tool kits includes:

white bullet  Healthcare specific strategy map examples

white bullet  Editable PPT templates

white bullet  An unique strategy map design

white bullet  Cause and effect visual aids

healthcare strategy map thumb

Healthcare Strategy Map Examples

Jumpstart your Balanced Scorecards

ESM Software Group's free healthcare strategy map template provides you with a best-practice PowerPoint file to help you translate your vision into tangible strategic objectives. ESM's strategy map tool kits includes:

  • Healthcare specific strategy map examples
  • Editable PPT templates
  • An unique strategy map design
  • Cause and effect visual aids
"Before moving our data to ESM, our department (Office of Strategy Management) spent more time working on formatting the data and contacting people via many, many emails to get their data in. Now we're able to push for a richer and more meaningful strategy through our analysis, while also having less hassle with the process."
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Kristin Leandro
Manager of Strategic Planning

Leading healthcare organizations trust ESM

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Bridge the gap between strategy and execution with ESM's all-in-one business strategy and performance management software


ESM Fast Track®

Whether you struggle with accountability, unclear priorities, or a lack of alignment, ESM can help.

Through a series of structured workshops and focused assignment, we engage your leadership team to develop a comprehensive approach to monitoring and adapting strategy. In just six to eight weeks, you will develop a Strategy Map, objective statements, key performance indicators, initiatives, and first report documents.

ESM Consulting Services
