{% set baseFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set headerFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* This affects only headers on the site. Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set textColor = "#565656" %} /* This sets the universal color of dark text on the site */

{% set pageCenter = "1100px" %} /* This sets the width of the website */

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{% set lightGreyColor = "#f7f7f7" %} /* This affects all grey background sections */

{% set baseFontWeight = "normal" %} /* More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set headerFontWeight = "normal" %} /* For Headers; More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

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After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off

ESM Blog: Even the Best Laid Plans

Musings and tips on strategic planning and Balanced Scorecards

Building a Robust Measurement Culture can be a Challenge, but Well Worth the Effort

Level up your Cybersecurity Program: 9 Things to Do to Achieve an Always “Audit-Ready” Posture

Driving Departmental Performance: A Practical Approach to Cascading Strategy using Custom Scorecards

The Formula for “Operationalizing” your Strategy to Ensure Success

How to have a Successful Year by Starting Simple & Staying Focused Using a Balanced Scorecard

How Retail Organizations Use a Top-Down Strategy to Reduce Shrinkage without Decreasing Revenues

Introducing Governance as the Sixth Pillar in NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework

2023 is Half Over. Is Your Strategy Where You Want it to Be?

OKRs and the Balanced Scorecard are a Match Made in Heaven

6 Steps to Optimizing Loss Prevention Programs with a Scorecard

Five Reasons to Leverage a Scorecard System for Retail Loss Prevention

Examples of Strategic Initiatives:

How the Strategy Execution Process Works in a Healthcare Setting

Understanding the Healthcare Strategic Implementation Process

How to Get Your Employees to Understand and Execute Your Strategy

5 Strategic Planning Best Practices in Hospital Management

Why our strategy failed (and how we fixed it)

Status Color Guidelines for Balanced Scorecards

Re-Balance your Strategy and Think Opportunistically in the COVID ERA

Managing Strategy and Risk in a Crisis is More Important than Ever

Mapping the Strategic Planning Process in Healthcare

Why the Balanced Scorecard is Just as Effective for SMB

Aligning Support Functions

Running a Strategy Review Meeting (SRM)

Strategy Fails Without Leadership

Initiative Management Done Right

What Does Successful Strategy Execution Look Like? (Part 2)

What Does Successful Strategy Execution Look Like? (Part 1)

The Strategy Review Meeting

The Simplified Approach To Cascading The Balanced Scorecard Today

Recommendations For A Refreshed Approach To The Balanced Scorecard

Complex Balanced Scorecards Work Against Success

Strategy Formulation Without Execution Is But A Wish

4 Healthcare Strategy Tips to “Make Strategy Everyone’s Job”

Determining Your KPI Meaning in Healthcare Settings

Initiative Management in the Healthcare Sector: How to Make it Better

6 Business Strategy Examples For Healthcare

4 Objectives and Key Results Examples for Health Professionals

Using a Risk Breakdown Structure in Healthcare

12 Employee Evaluation Examples For Healthcare Directors

Get buy-in or what you want won’t happen

Step by Step KPI Development and Selection

Why Ditch Traditional Performance Reviews?

Discover A More Effective Employee Evaluation Process Using Technology

Initiative Management: How to Make it Better

Reasons KPI Reporting is Crucial for Healthcare Management

Tips for Communicating Strategy to Your Entire Organization

A BSC Approach to Employee Performance Reviews

The evolution of the strategic planning process

Government KPI Management: What Should You Measure?

Strategy software is a key enabler to the strategic planning process

Enhance performance with a solid strategy review agenda

Bridging the Communication Gap in Strategy Execution

An updated approach to strategic alignment

Desired Organizational Outcomes Start with your People

Establishing Processes to Reach your Strategic Destination

The Updated Balanced Scorecard Approach

How to Set KPI Baselines

3 Key Tips to Implementing Balanced Scorecard Software

3 Questions to Consider Before Implementing BSC Software

Why your Balanced Scorecard needs qualitative analysis

Why connect Personal Balanced Scorecards and employee reviews

Board Strategy Map Example

IT Strategy Map Example

Bank Strategy Map Example

Travel Strategy Map Example

Business Finance Strategy Map Example

Insurance Strategy Map Example

Banking Strategy Map: Business Banking Division

Pharma Strategy Map Example

IT Department Strategy Map Example

Health Clinic Strategy Map Example

HR Strategy Map Example

Nursing Strategy Map Example

Distribution Strategy Map Example

Finance Department Strategy Map Example

Strategy Map Example 11: Health and Life Sciences

Financial Strategy Map Example: Enterprise

Insurance Strategy Map Example: Mutual Insurance

Corporate Strategy Map Example

Consumer Success Strategy Map Example

Why Your Employees Don't Care About Your Strategy

Software Strategy Map Example

Communications Strategy Map Example

Advertising Strategy Map Example

Retail Strategy Map Example

Community Banking Strategy Map Example

Media Strategy Map Example

Don't let TIME be the enemy of strategic planning!

How to fix your Key Performance Indicators

KPI Examples in PowerPoint

Don't stop at annual KPI targets

5 things to consider when choosing Balanced Scorecard Software

Strategic Initiatives: Where the rubber meets the road

Strategic planning and Innovation

What baseball teaches us about leading and lagging indicators

A Definitive Balanced Scorecard Guide to Strategic Initiatives

What is a Strategic Initiative?

Common mistakes when evaluating Balanced Scorecard software

How often should you review your strategic initiatives?

Common Misconceptions of Strategic Initiatives

What are the key characteristics of effective strategic initiatives?

Why is having a personal balanced scorecard key in business strategy?

8 Best Practice Public Sector KPI Examples

3 easy steps to choose your Balanced Scorecard measures

Ensuring your strategy management system gets the traction it deserves

Best Practices for Managing Strategy Review Meetings

Four Tips to Improve your Healthcare Strategy

Four Best Practice Agenda Items for Strategy Review Meetings

How often should you have strategy review meetings?

3 Tips to Improve Your Strategy Review Meetings

Download your Balanced Scorecard Template